If you have ever felt frustrated when dealing with your dog - take a moment to think creatively!
Dog's behavior is well adapted to the need of humans. As a pet they have become our friends and companions, and as a working animal they can be trained
Taking care of your dogs is just like taking care of your family. By reading this article you will be able to attend to one of your pet’s basic needs – sleeping.
The way in which a dog sees the world is very different from the way humans see it. A dog's sense of smell is far superior to that of humans.
Dogs are children’s best friends. Every child wants a dog to play with and love.
So you want to build your dog a dog house?
It is not true that dogs are completely colorblind. While dogs do not have the same color vision as humans, they are able to tell yellow from blue.
Some dog owners claim that males are typically more aggressive and destructive, particularly in small spaces. Female dogs are said to be easier to train
We almost look for the best and positive atmosphere for our pets and their new generations. The woofdriverproject.com completes your pets all
When left alone, some dogs become very distressed, suffering from an attachment disorder known as separation anxiety. Dogs who suffer from separation
Ah, the sound of barking dogs. To some people, it’s a pleasant sound that indicates a dog is feeling happy and active; while to others, it’s just a painful noise
It is safe to say that dog crates should not merely be used as instruments for punishing the dogs, rather such crates should serve as havens for dogs
aking your dog to a dog park is an excellent alternative to regular people parks!
Amazing Dog Facts and Quotes - This page is for dog lovers who like to read different facts and quotes about dogs with a few jokes thrown in.
Dog separation anxiety is a huge problem for many dog owners. Find out how to correctly diagnose and treat separation anxiety in your dog.
Dogs like to play. Giving them their own things to play with is a great way to let them use some of their energy, and also keep away from your things that
With so many different types of leashes and collars to choose from, no wonder many dog owners' just decide on their favorite football team and be done
Dogs love to go for walks. Without question, walking and providing your dog with an adequate amount of exercise is extremely beneficial for their overall
Dogs are fantastic and cats are great! How are they when together? This is all going to depend on the two individual animals; however there are some
Understand what you can do if you are one of those people who have dog allergies. There are dogs for people with allergies if you know where to look.
It is said that a dog is a man's best friend. And today, with the implementation of animal assisted therapy in hospitals, there is no better example for this

Every dog knows that he needs to keep up to date with the news from the canine world. He understands the importance of learning more about where
Winter can be harsh on your dog’s paws, but there are easy ways to protect your canine buddy’s peds from the elements during this time of the year.
The choices for pet carriers have become dizzying! You can spend anywhere from $30 up to $1,000. There are pink carriers, crocodile-style, and genuine
Most of the population allow their dogs to live indoors and relax on the couch and sleep in their owner's bed. If you are interested in building a dog house
You may not have thought about friends for your dog very often, because after all, you are your dog’s best friend. However, it is recommended to socialize
Puppy games are a great way to entertain your puppy and yourself, while subliminally teaching lessons in the course of having fun. Put your puppy's
It is said, that a dog is a man’s best friend. Though all pets reciprocate the feelings of their owners, the love and affection that dogs provide is incomparable
Trying to treat a dog like a human is called "Anthropomorphism" the dictionary states that this means "Attributing human characteristics to things that are
The GPS containment, training and tracking systems in use today are the offspring of a concept that was patented in 2007. It all starts with an advanced
In the event that you can't go out without sweaters and other defensive extras in the crest winters, how would you anticipate that your puppies will?
Preventive measures so that your dog does not run away, and actions to take if he does.
If you do not get puzzled and choose to make the right move, your lost dog will reach your destination back faster. It is our life colored by keeping a critter
The smartest choice that a pet owner can make is choosing a pet that is compatible with the lifestyle they live. Both the owner and the pet deserve to be
Theories abound why we sleep -- from the concept which holds that sleeping consolidates memories to that which claims that sleeping is a way of
Most of us like to have pets at home, especially kids who get excited about the idea of having a pet at home. There are some pretty common pets that are
There are over 6 million auto accidents every year. Protect yourself, your family, and your pet by eliminating distractions while you drive, by driving
Many dogs love to ride in the car. You see them often with their noses to the wind and a happy doggy grin on their face. Or maybe your dog enjoys the car
This is a story about a road trip I took with my dog this summer. This is an informational story that will provide some insight as to what you need to consider
Taking your dog out in public is something you should consider. After all, your dog is part of your life. This is a much more modern approach to owning
There is no incongruity in the idea that in the very earliest period of man's habitation of this world he made a friend and companion of some sort of
An invisible dog fence is a wire buried on your property that ensures the dog can`t run outside the safety of its shelter. Additionally, It helps dog owners
Most dogs actually need and will appreciate dog chew toys, as they usually can find fun with toys. For you as a dog owner, these toys can help manage your .
Just like humans, dogs, too, have particular whims for sleeping nooks. It is this peculiar liking, which every dog owner must address as it will greatly affect
If you prefer traveling with your dog, or you are thinking about doing so for the first time and are a little wary of how he or she will handle it. Today, many
There's something different about you. People sense it the moment you walk in the door. Is it in your smile, or the way wear your hair? Truly, there are
Every time you read a story in the press about a dog that has injured or killed someone, don't you wonder who the owner is that's behind it? Do you assume
Every time you look at your pet, you find it is invariably sleeping. Sometimes you look at it adoringly, sometimes with anxiousness, sometimes you wish
Your dog will become a great companion to you, but, your dog can also be a lot of work for you. There is no such a dog that requires no work from you,
Losing your dog can be such a terrible event. You may feel very guilty, even if you are not at fault. Many owners are in shock when their dog runs away. After
Whether your pet has a short, sleek coat or long, thick fur, grooming will be a part of your normal dog care routine. There are a number of steps to keeping
Traveling With Your Dog - Upcoming Events that Welcome your Dog!
How to Teach a Dog to Get in the Pool
How To Interpret Your Dog's Body Language, Facial Expressions & Vocalizations
How to Keep Dogs From Scratching Hardwood Floors
Fire Safety Prevention and Preparedness for Pet Owners
Is Your Yard Safe for Your Dog or Cat
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