"Fighting for what is right" is usually the reason why people display protests on the streets when they feel that their rights as a human are being violated. But
A Pet is Part of the Family and has the following rights.
Pets are an important part of many families. A recent survey by the American Animal Hospital Association of 1,206 pet owners in the United
Do animals and birds have souls? Of course they do. I believe they have the same as us. We are basically all the same in that context. In fact, they might be on
The word charity means giving some help to those that are in need of it. These kinds of people sometimes form a group that we call a charity or a charitable
With all the benefits pets can offer their owners and friends, what is stopping you adopting a furry friend into your home?
When a disaster strikes, are you prepared? Disasters can happen anywhere at any time. The public doesn't usually get a lot of notice before a disaster strikes,
Getting a pet is great for kids and adults alike. That being said, a certain responsibility comes with owning a pet. To make sure things go well, consider
Going out of town and taking a break from the city's busy life for a week is a nice and relaxing thing to consider. However, you become hesitant because
How much is that doggy in the window? Or better yet, how much is it going to change your life? Whether you are single in the city or married with kids
Throughout the last several years, understanding animals has greatly evolved.
Most kids would love to have pets at home. Most kids like to have a dog or cat as a pet. Children will get a brilliant experience with pets. Pets help kids in
Keeping your pet safe is the number one goal for all pet owners. Here is simple plan to keep your pet happy and healthy.
This year I am receiving many telephone calls from members of the public complaining that when they collect their pets from kennels, that they look thin
The smartest choice that a pet owner can make is choosing a pet that is compatible with the lifestyle they live.
Everyone loves their family pet. And we love to buy them stuff almost as much as we like to buy stuff for ourselves.
Sooner or later many parents have to face their child's wish for its own pet. Whether dog or cat, hamster or pony, the choice for the right pet has to be a
Have you ever felt lonely? Have you ever felt that you needed someone to love and that would love you in return, unconditionally? Have you ever wanted to
Pets are truly one of life's great joys. But sharing your home with a dog, cat, bird, ferret or any other warm-blooded animal can mean your home is subject
DCS Pool Barriers spends a lot of time emphasizing the importance of keeping children safe around the pool by providing supervision in the water and
Teaching kids about animals can be quite interesting, and if you add trips to the zoo for that purpose, it will be all the more helpful. They can learn
At times, people learn greatest lessons from the sources that they never expected to learn from. One the greatest sources for learning great lessons of life is
Temperatures are however still high in these areas and for other parts of the country that have escaped the floods it's important to remember that summer is
How many times have I told off a pet owner for having a pet whose neck is bigger than their head and heard "oh but he hardly eats anything!" If that
I read a report on the effects pets have on heart attack patients. In Australia after a year,6% of heart attack victims who owned a dog died, but, the difference
If you are an average compassionate person, it’s more likely than not that your home will be replete with a cat, dog or otherwise friendly and furry household
Fire Prevention, Preparedness & Recovery
How to Make an Effective Missing Pet Poster
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